Saturday, December 31, 2005

To a new day, everyday

I wish everyone a happy 2006. Thank you for your love, support, and understanding. I've had a good holiday, especially at the lake. May everyone feel the grace of renewal.

Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Stuck in Jersey

Hi all. We are here and stuck in Jersey. The strike is on and this is what we flew--in an uncomfortable red-eye flight with a carry-on cat--to see. New York, so close, yet...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Flight info

Hi all. Today we were in Berkeley enjoying a break on the grass.

We wanted to share the our flight info. We fly in on December 20, Tuesday morning at 6:54am (leaving SF the previous night at 10pm). We are there until Jan. 5, Thursday, leaving at 7:30am.
I hear there might be a transit strike, huh. Another "I love NY"-Chiqui-experience. I can just see it, transit strike, massive jams...and he misses his first New York Knicks game...(knock on wood).

Monday, December 12, 2005

At Union Square

Christina and I spent some time Saturday in Union Square. They had an outdoors cafe. We had Cheesecake factory cheesecake with some espresso. We wanted to share the sights with you: the only break she had this weekend from studying for finals.

As a reminder of who has braggin' rights...

FLORIDA GATORS 34 -- florida state seminoles 7

FLORIDA GATORS 34 -- florida state seminoles 7

As a visual aid, I submit this shirt: all you need to do is substitute Virginia Tech in the place of Georgia. I'm sure this Christmas you won't fall for opening a gift from me that feels like a shirt...


Friday, December 09, 2005

Looking north

The fog rolls in... Posted by Picasa

View to the west from our 19th floor apartment

I thought I would post two pictures that shows you our San Francisco.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Movies to Watch Together

Hi everybody, I saw this list online. Some good ideas....
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’

‘Bad Santa’

‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’

‘A Christmas Story’


‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’

My picks:
Its a Wonderful Life (Sis, this is the one you asked about)
Charlie Brown Christmas (I can watch it over and over again)
Miracle on 34th Street (the old or new one)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Christina's Wishlist

I'm sorry for not having sent this sooner. I have been having some trouble coming up with my wish list. I would love so many things.... but let me stick to my needs...

Since I'm finishing up school a gift certificate to a store where I can get some nice clothes might be the best thing. I would love to shop at the new H&M store here in San Francisco. So, if they have a gift certificate that would be great first option. But any women's clothing store is great.

Other alternatives would include a gift certificate or actual make up from Sephora or Clinique since I will also be needing makeup when I start a job.

Or a nice professional tote (for a computer). I love all things in brown or caramel.

I hope this helps.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Feliz Cumpleaños, Papi!!

Our father toils with hands and heart
To make our lives complete.
He quietly braves the winter cold,
Endures the summer heat.
Our father's life is busy, but
There's always time for us.
He boldly faces the ups and downs
with each one of us.

Happy Birthday Papi!

I wish I could be there to share this special day with you. I hope you enjoy this little poem which I think fits who you are in all of our lives. I cant wait to celebrate this birthday with you--belately when we are all together this Christmas. Con mucho cariño, Christy

Friday, December 02, 2005

Edrik's wish list

As you know, I am in the beginning of writing my dissertation. This will take me two or three years to complete. The wish list then, will be tailored to this end: items that can help me along the way.

1) Barnes and Noble, or Borders, or gift cards that will allow me to purchase books for my research.

2) Moleskin notebooks. These things are great. I've posted a picture of what one looks like, as well as a link to its website.
The one I need is the "Moleskin Large Plain Journal". This can be found at Barnes and Noble, Borders, etc. Or online.

Other than these two things, anything from the heart, of course. Plus fun things that a sports-fan, videogame-playing, regular guy may like. Clothes are always welcomed.

On a different note, I do look forward to Christmas with everyone again. The last time was a blast, especially the New Year's boat trip with Chiqui and Laura. I know this semester has been rough on Christina, most of it my fault, so I hope this Christmas is everything she hopes for and expects: good food, crazy discussions, lots of "bochinche," and of course, walking around her favorite city of New York. All I ask is for Don Jorge not to pull his pants down and show his behind. (If ya'll don't know that story, ask anyone of us who were there to witness the unfathomable.)

I look forward to Christmas with everyone. Even 'Noles.


Sunday, November 27, 2005

closer to finishing the semester :)

ok. enough of the rivalry stuff. I hope you guys plan on using the blog for more than just the competitive stuff. Its a beautiful day in SF. I wish you all could see it. Its getting a little cold here, but nothing like in NY I'm sure. I have finished the first draft of two of my monster papers & I'm feeling pretty good about finishing this semester. I'm one step closer to finishing law school and hopefully on to a more normal life for a change. I cant wait to see you all during the holidays! Anyone know if it will snow this Christmas?? :)
Ok, well, I gotta go for now. love you.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

GATORS 34 - noles 7


Friday, November 25, 2005

Gator Basketball beats FSU

Florida 74 - Florida State 66

The Swamp

This is where it will be settled.



No Spamming the BLOG w/ Florida Yuck State crap! only gators allowed here!!



Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I just wanted to say that I miss you guys. Its the day before thanksgiving and I am in Berkeley writing a final paper for a class... Or at least I am supposed to be. I just thought you might want to know that I'm going to miss the crazy family time, the loudness of the kids, and Papi's (or this year sister's) Turkey and the jokes we always tell.

Love you,

More Pictures of the Family :)

Saturday, November 05, 2005

mami's family Posted by Picasa


Hola Mi Familia!